We prefer content related to the digital domain. If you’ve got an idea that will challenge our readers and move our industry forward, we want to hear about it.
We welcome all diverging viewpoints even if they aren’t necessarily popular. We seek fact-based analysis with either anecdotal evidence or direct citations to back up any opinions and analysis within your articles.
If you are a seasoned professional, an industry expert or even a college graduate, we welcome your submissions. We value content that is as well researched as they are well written.
Shoot us an email at [email protected] with ‘Submission’ in the header to contribute to the Blog section of Bridging Points Media.
You can do a free guest post on our site or let us know if you are willing to take up a paid promotion. We publish only a limited number of free guest posts and rather prefer paid guest posts.
If your article is relevant to our site and is valued by our readers, we can also pay you for your upcoming articles. However, if you seek compensation, please indicate this clearly. Any payment must be agreed by the editor in advance.
Does Bridging Points Media Accept New Contributors?
On a case by case basis, we accept posts from outside contributors that fit in nicely with the areas we cover.
It will help if you let us know how you are involved in the subject matter such as if you are an expert on the subject, a user of the subject matter, etc.
What Are We Looking For From A Contributor Post?
The single best piece of advice? Read the site. Get a feel of the types of articles we publish.
What Type Of Article Do You wish To Publish?
It will help if you let us know the type of article you wish to publish such as if it will be a Case Study, How-To-Tutorial, News, Opinion, Community, Event or Project Report, any other form of Report or any other format of content.
No personal attacks, conspiracy theories, defamation or gratuitous foul language.
Don’t Send Vague, Surface Level Articles
Our mission is to provide high-quality content to the world that has real substance based on personal experience and/or professional expertise. We are not about content for content sake, nor about linking to create traffic.
We’re on a heart-led mission to give people worthwhile content to reflect on and apply; to genuinely add value for a better life and a better digital world!
Unique Analysis, Commentary, And Expert Opinion
Our authors cover many topics — you can write about a similar topic provided you offer an original viewpoint that is corroborated by facts or you can write about a different topic.
We take plagiarism very seriously. We use industry tools to check and ensure that all articles are original. If you have blatantly plagiarized, copied or spun your article from another source or writer, we will find out.
As a consequence, you will be removed from the contributor pool, with your name blacklisted in our list of authors. If you wish to cite another source to better explain your viewpoint, please properly credit them in the article.
We respect the work of writers who make their trade through writing and reserve the right to not publish a compromised post.
Posts That Infringe Upon Another Person’s Intellectual Property
We do not accept posts that infringe upon another person’s intellectual property. This includes but is not limited to trade secrets, trademarks, and copyrights of any type.
Accurately Quote Sources
If your article references data, facts, statistics or research studies, please ensure to include a link to a verified and credible source. Put the link in brackets in the appropriate place in your article (please don’t hyperlink the text).
Images & Infographics
You are welcome to include one or more images & infographics in your article. We recommend an article to use a minimum of 4 images for effective SEO.
Clearly indicate the placement of these images along with marking the key image which is to be used as the Feature Image. You can also share the Alt Text and caption of these images.
As a rule we carry Alt Text for all images. Except for the Feature Image we can also carry caption for all other images.
The featured image (and the other images) provided should be HD quality.
Videos Inside Your Article
You are welcome to insert a Youtube video into your article if it is directly relevant to the article topic and the content of that video is positive and appropriate.
If you wish to include a video, please ensure you put brackets around the Youtube video URL in the exact place in your article that you wish it to appear.
Do Relevant Research And Proofread Your Article Submission
We want your article to be at its best. Fact-check, and cite sources where appropriate. Make sure your points are bulleted and easy to read.
Sub-Headings: Please split up your content with relevant subheadings to make it easier for readers to follow the logical flow of ideas.
Short Paragraphs: So that readers can easily digest your awesome article, please keep the paragraphs short and succinct.
This includes facts, spelling, and grammar.
Word Count
We publish articles of anywhere between 1000 – 8000 words. Though we have seen that an article of about 1200 to 2300 words does well on our site. This is not a hard and fast rule.
Take the space you need to get across what you need to say.
Author Bio.
All final drafts should be accompanied by an author bio and photo. Author bios should be about 100 – 200 words long. They should be snappy, informative, and brief.
How Can I Submit A Contributor Post?
Send an email to [email protected] with the name of the contributor as well as his/her credentials. Send within the body of the email in this order, please…
A. Title of your article. The article title should be short, and attractive.
B. Article text (Can also be attached as a Word Document, or as a Google Doc and single-spaced.)
C. Necessary tags.
D. Images: Please attach to your email the relevant article images. Images should be owned by you, copyright sorted or free to use.
The images should be in the highest possible resolution to ensure they do not appear blurry when published. Images can be preferably in jpg format and you may zip them before attaching if there are many of them.
E. Video link/s if any.
F. You’re bio – 200 words or less along with your bio photo which you can attach.
G. Link of your website, if any.
H. Links for your social media profiles, if any.
What Happens After We Receive Your Submission?
After we receive your submission an editor will review your submission and determine whether it’s a potential fit. If it is a potential fit, the article will be published.
If we do not find it a potential fit, we will share our feedback. Once you have addressed our comments, send your revised draft back. If we now accept the article it will be published.
Publication Date
We can give you a tentative publication date for your article only after we review your submission.
Social Syndication
When an article is published on our website – it is syndicated to our social media channels.
You Agree To –
A. Reply to comments on your article on our site within the first week of it being posted live. This is because you are best placed to support readers with any questions, ideas or comments they have about the content of your article.
B. Share the article on your social media channels, if you have your social handles.
C. Share the article via email with your subscribers, if you have your subscribers email list.
Keyword Marketing Or Links
Adding keywords to increase SEO or driving readers to websites for promotional purposes is not acceptable. We don’t accept articles that are designed to boost SEO, to plug a brand name, or to promote yourself, or any product or service.
Promotional Or Sponsored Posts
Your post should not read like a press release, a classified ad, or appear lopsided. You should also not use your post as a recruiting tool. You should always disclose any potential conflicts of interest.
We avoid articles explicitly written to market or sell a product, tool, service or app affiliated with the writer unless it is a paid content or an article promotion on our site; for which we need to discuss and settle the rate and terms beforehand.
The charges/cost/price for a guest/paid/sponsored post along with the do-follow link/s on our website/s is INR 600/-.
In a guest post we give out a maximum of four do-follow links – 1 Client link, 1 Internal link, and 2 High authority links. (Though we make certain exceptions as per the client’s requirement.)
We can carry more than one do-follow link in discussion.
Authors may publish an excerpt of their article, along with a link to the full version, on their personal site.
You must include the following text at the beginning of your excerpt: ‘This post was originally published [link to the full article on Bridging Points Media].’
We consider translation requests on a case-by-case basis. If we okay it, then you can translate the work faithfully, and link it to the original post as ‘This post has been translated.
The English version was originally published [link to the full article on Bridging Points Media].’
We Reserve The Right To –
A. Decline the articles submitted to us, without providing reasons. We reserve the right and final decision to reject a submission if the post is found to have problems that make it unsuitable for publication.
B. Adjust article titles where necessary, to help optimize reader engagement for your article.
C. Make basic edits to articles (including but not limited to spelling, grammar, and paragraph/sentence structure for the purpose of improving readability).
Please send any corrections and update to – [email protected]