How to Make Your Blog Stand Out: Unique Ideas and Strategies


How to Make Your Blog Stand Out: Unique Ideas and Strategies

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The digital world is crowded. Blogs compete for clicks, and finding a way to make your blog stand out from the crowd requires creativity, and strategy. Even if you can get search engine users to click your search engine result, you must keep visitors on the page long enough to engage, and convert them. 

Unfortunately, search engine results pages (SERPs) are cluttered with so many different results for the same query. Your blog must make a lasting impression, making readers understand why they should choose to read your article over the competition. Here are a few ways to make your blog stand out from the rest.

Write about unique topics

While blog design is crucial, people read blogs for written content. Unfortunately, there are already tons of blogs out there that discuss the same topics as yours. For instance, there are thousands, if not hundreds of thousands, of pet blogs that discuss similar topics like pet health.

Luckily, there are opportunities to make your topics more unique by discussing new trends, products, and ideas. 

Consider your voice

You want your blog to be more engaging than the rest. Even if you’re writing about a topic that’s already been written about thousands of times, your unique voice can help your article stand out. Of course, you should always consider your target audience.

For instance, if you’re writing about business topics, readers expect a more professional tone. However, that doesn’t mean you can’t have your own unique voice to make the content you share more engaging. 

Choose a unique design

When first starting a blog, you’ll get to choose from free or paid templates. However, even the best paid blog templates are still just that — templates. When you choose a template, you run the risk of several other companies or brands using the exact same design, making yours potentially less interesting.

Most blogging platforms allow you to start with an existing template, and customize it to your liking, making it slightly more unique. If you’re comfortable with basic drag-and-drop features, you can also start from scratch, and create a completely new blog design

Solve a problem

Again, the content is the most important part of your blog. However, if you’re writing only about topics that matter to you, and no one else, you can’t expect anyone to want to read your writing. Instead, your blogs should aim to solve a problem within a specific niche.

For instance, if you write a pet blog, you might write articles about how to train your pet. Consider the common pain points of your target audience, whoever they are. Then, you can solve these problems with your content by writing comprehensive guides, articles, and lists. 

Be original

A lot of content online right now is almost exactly the same. Even if the words are different, it contains the same information, so it’s not original. When someone is researching a topic online, and finds the same information everywhere they look, they won’t want to read your blog.

Instead, you can address the same information but in a completely original way. For instance, you can look for new angles, and find ways to make basic information more engaging. 

Use supporting visuals

Use supporting visuals

Using supporting visuals to enhance your content can make your blog more engaging than the competition’s. Visuals like infographics, designs, photos, and videos can help you grab attention on your blog, and promotions like social media ads. 

Write engaging titles

Article titles that entice search engine users to click on your page are essential because they could be the difference between a click, and a lost visitor. Engaging blog titles play a crucial role in capturing readers’ attention, and enticing them to click. 

A compelling blog title is essential for standing out from the crowd, and attracting an audience. It serves as the first impression, piquing your audience’s interest to increase the chances of readers clicking through to the content while setting expectations for the article.

Consider frequency

Posting more often can help you drive traffic to your blog, and grow your readership. Since search engines prefer fresh content, it gives you a new opportunity to attract new visitors. Of course, you don’t have to post daily.

If you’re creating quality content, you won’t have time to create a new post every day. However, you should plan how often you’ll post, and keep to a strict schedule. 

Update old posts

Updating your old posts can help you refresh content to make it more timely, and relevant while improving search engine rankings. It can also help increase traffic over time. To refresh your posts, ensure all the information is accurate, and up to date.

For instance, if you have a blog that cites information from last year, update it with this year’s information if possible. 

You can also add new insights, and developments, and correct grammatical errors before addressing search engine optimization (SEO) efforts that increase traffic. Reviewing existing keywords, and performing keyword research again can help you determine whether your rankings are stable or need improvement. 

Leverage email marketing

SEO isn’t the only way to drive traffic to your blog. You want your articles to stand out online, but you can’t rely on a single strategy to make that happen. Every brand should use email marketing to improve reader loyalty.

Email marketing enables you to send updates to your valuable customers, and readers every time you publish a blog, allowing them to visit your website without necessarily searching for new content. 

Staying Secure

In addition to the tips above you also want to ensure you have a secure website. The first step is making your URL https, and not http. The added ‘s’ stands for security, and will typically have a lock symbol next to it.

Most web platforms give you the option when purchasing your domain name to include it, but if that isn’t possible you will need an SSL or TLS certificate which is very easy to receive. Ensuring you have a secure website means other sites will trust your blog, information, and will feel more secure collaborating with you.

Final Thoughts

Making your blog stand out online requires unique ideas. By providing fresh, valuable content, leveraging your authentic voice, and embracing innovative formats, you can capture your audience’s attention, and establish yourself as a thought leader. 

With consistent effort, creativity, and a deep understanding of your audience, your blog can become a go-to resource that sets you apart from the competition. Get creative, think outside the box, and let your unique ideas, and strategies make your blog a standout success.



Megan Isola
Megan Isola

Megan Isola holds a Bachelor of Science in Hospitality, and a minor in Business Marketing from Cal State University Chico. She enjoys going to concerts, trying new restaurants, and hanging out with friends.

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